
Christian Nicolas AAdipl b. 1971

Photography for Christian is an ongoing preoccupation in parallel to design work in the field of architecture, work that requires equal doses of optimism and pragmatism in finding ways to circumvent constraints. His photographs are less determinate, not needing to answer the questions they pose. They are compiled into diaries revealing aspects of a place at a particular period in time. Projects explore the urban environment, the processes that shape it, and the way we interact with it. The cameras used are a variety of types and formats. Some are custom built or modified by the artist.

Christian lives in Brooklyn and is married to the artist Karla Carballar.

Diploma projects were completed with Pascal Schöning at the Architectural Association in London. Photography classes with Neil Rappaport at Bennington College left a lasting influence.

Exhibitions and installations, in collaboration with Eyal Weizman:
DZ Gallery, ‘Random Walk’ – Frankfurt, 2018
The Israel Museum, Youth Wing, ‘Random Walk’ – Jerusalem, 2000
DG Bank Building, ’Random Walk’ – New York, 1999
UrbanIssue Gallery, ’7.00 / 7.30’ – Berlin, 1998
A.A. Photo Library, Sites seen VI – ‘A Random Walk down London Bridge’ – London, 1997

‘<yellow> Rythms’, Eyal Weizman – 1999
Speed-Visions of an accelerated age’, Jeremy Millar en Michiel Schwarz – 1998
‘Random Walk’, with Eyal Weizman and text by Mark Cousins – 1998

‘The Architects Journal’ – April 1997
‘Blueprint’ – May 1997
‘AA Projects Review cover -1997
AA files no.31, ‘San Carlino and the cultivated wild’, by Peter Beard – 1994

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